Wednesday 28 October 2009

Jeggings = Damn Near Nudity.

I do not consider myself a fashion expert for one minute. I do not know which colours clash, what style of shorts go best with a t-shirt, nor do I know what should be worn when. However, there is one current trend I simply cannot comprehend: Jeggings.

Jeggings are essentially leggings made to look like they’re jeans, hence the clever name. I do not understand the need to go out and buy a pair of denim tights when a pair of skinny jeans will suffice. Okay, so they may be pretty much the same, but at least with proper jeans, the wearer can keep at least some shred of dignity.

The problem we have with Jeggings is that, aside from the fact they look awful and have no practicality whatsoever (why make them look like they have pockets when they clearly don’t?), they seem to be encouraging young girls to walk out the house wearing next to nothing.

Of course, the blame can’t lay entirely on Jeggings, but have you seen any celebrity in the media wearing a skimpy t-shirt with nothing but a pair of black leggings? If the youth of today were truly passively influenced by the pictures of celebrities in glossy gossips, we’d have teens walking around in dresses with no knickers on.

I am somewhat aware that leggings themselves have been around for donkeys, but they were not worn in the way they are today. They were worn in the 80’s through to the mid 90’s with, largely, skirts and short dresses, occaisionally an oversized shirt, but right now, in 2009, girls are outside wearing normal sized, if not ill fitting, t-shirts. Not only is this dangerous (paedophilia, anyone?), people do not want to see this.

I remember the first time I came across someone in this ‘fashion’, and having a mix of feelings. At first I thought “Well, someone forgot to get dressed this morning.” And then being somewhat repulsed. I’m sorry, but if I wanted to see the general shape of a girls bottom, I would simply go out and buy a magazine.

Soon after, I couldn’t walk a mile without seeing a million girls dressed like this. And it seems to be spreading. One of my friends recently attended college looking like this, and I asked them “Why? Why didn’t you just put a skirt on over it?” Her reply? “Well everyone’s doing it.”

I suppose that’s the definition of a trend. Once the style of a minority is adopted by the majority, then it can be considered a trend but just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t make it right. If everyone thought it was cool to wear clothes made of tissue paper, would you conform? I know I bloody wouldn’t.

Ok, so maybe I’m being too extreme. Maybe I’m exaggerating to the point of disbelief, but my point is that people seem to have thrown their dignity in the trash in order to comply with general society. If that’s the kind of world we live in, I bid you farewell.